Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Random loveliness

Pooma wanted to say hello to everyone!  She also wanted to ask if anyone knew how to get her to quit licking her paws!?!  She licks so much, they are stained.  :(  

{sweater - Fashion Pet, tutu - DIY by "mommy", heart dog tag - The Pet Shop, yellow "diamond" studded collar - The Pet Shop, purple ears - Lee's Pet Grooming}

My friend Cielle (of CielleStar) made this gorgeous bird's nest ring for me!  Isn't it great?!

And the other day I made a couple of these swarovski starfish and turquoise necklaces for two special friends. :) 

Also picked up these two books at B&N tonight.

What random loveliness has crossed your paths today?

Love, S


Leah said...

The ring is gorgeous and the pendant is so lovely. And I love Pooma's tutu. I can't let my Belle see her or else she will die of envy. Hahaha!

I don't know about the licking remedy but I'll get back to you as soon as I found out. My vet will arrive shortly for a house call so I can ask her.

Leah said...

Okay, my vet is here... first thing I asked was about Pooma's predicament. She looked at Pooma's pics and she said she's healthy, no signs of allergies or any infection. She is thinking that maybe Pooma is bored... try engaging her in different activities to keep her mind away from licking her paws. If this fails, you can apply the bitter apple spray.

Margaret said...

cutest photos!!
loving your blog too!
great posts
stop by some time xx

carissa said...

oh my, such such cuteness!!! your poochie is ahhhh-dorable!

Anonymous said...

There are products called "Bitter Yuck" and "Bitter Apple." They're completely non-toxic, they just taste gross. You can find them at pretty much any pet supplies store. Either should work to curb her licking!

Cute ring, btw!

Unravelled Threads

Sher said...

Gosh, Pooma is such a girly girl! Love love love the tutu!!

And I want the birds nest ring, your friend is so creative:)


jozen said...

oohh! i LOVE that starfish necklace.

isn't kelly cutrone awesome? i love how she is so blunt and how she peppers all of her conversations with the F word. LOL

Nicole Jarecz said...

i really love that ring, its great!

Diane said...

omg your pup is so adorable. i wish we lived closer to each other b/c i think that pooma and my dog rocko would be besties. :)
let me know how kelly cutrone's book is. i love her.

Sandy a la Mode said...

awwwww your puppy is sooo cute in her little princess tutu outfit, not sure how to help on the licking tho! =( the bird's nest ring and the necklace are both soo lovely!!

Anonymous said...

Pooma is the most adorable thing I have ever seen!! OMG, she is so cute in her little outfit!! :)


Michelle said...

Pooma is too cute, I LOVE HER TUTU!! what a pretty girl!
I just finished reading Kelly Cutrone's book. It is an easy read, I finished it in a couple of days, a couple of hours a day. It's very inspiring. I liked the first half better.
let me know what you think of it when you are done.

daisychain said...

ohh cute pup!

Elaine said...

Pooma is soooooo cute!!!

clothed much, a modest fashion blog

MizzJ said...

hahah omg her paws are a totally different color! You could always put some bitter melon juice on it to make her stop hehe :p The pendant is super cute!

Do you have what it takes to make anything sexy? Enter the Sweatpant Sexy Challenge to find out & you could win some massive prizes!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That ring is gorgeous! And Pooma is adorable of course :)

Sarah M said...

Cute dog, GREAT BOOKS and AMAZING RIng! :D your friend is mucho talented and Soo sweet to make that for u! :)

Love dogs .. but im sooo scared of them!!

Pooma looks like a sweetheart though!

Paint it Black said...

She is so cute and dresses so well she must get that from you :)

The ring is gorgeous what a beautiful present

I hope you solve the problem of Poomas paws xoxo

Jen Hsieh said...

pooma is gorgeous and adorable despite her stained paws. hopefully you find a solution!!

and i adore all the jewelry in this post. that bird's nest ring is the coolest thing i've seen and i'm really loving the choice of colors in the necklace you made. :)

Cole Franke said...

So adorable! and the jewelry is great too. :)

Nicole visiting from

Couture Carrie said...

Your pup is too adorable!
And I love that ring!

Yay for random loveliness like the lilacs blooming in my back yard right now!


Alely said...

awesome ring! my dog does the same thing. we're always telling her to stop! lol!

haute.teapot said...

wow so i was just looking at rings like this today on etsy! sooo cute!

Nathalie said...

Oh my, your dog is too adorable :)
And the jewellery is gorgeous... both of them

Tiffany said...

will you teach me how to make that tutu?! I want to make one for my Savvy! :)

My dog licks her paws a lot and the vet says it's because her arms get real sore, probably from jumping too much. We have to help her on and off the couch and stuff like that so she's not so sore. Maybe Pooma is the same way?

BTW, I got the headband today! Thank you so much doll! I love love love it!

Alice said...

Your dog is so adorable! I love that tutu! I really like the bird's nest ring and the starfish necklace. So cute!

Sarah Ann said...

yay for b&n and your blog! loving it!

Meghan said...

Your dog has the cutest outfit and hair. If she were human I'd want to go shopping with her:) said...

AWWW, Such a pretty dog...

AsianCajuns (Cath) said...

Every dog has his or own weird quirks that you can never shake. And Pooma still looks super sweet, even with her stained paws :)

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Oh how cute! Your puppy is like a little princess!

Eli said...

OMG i love your dog!!!!! so cute...^^ xoxo Eli

Jess said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love yours - I'm a new follower :)

And by the way, your dog is simply adorable!!

Small Burst said...

I love that star necklace. Gorgeous!

Craftiness NOW said...

these are great randoms :-) your dog is too cute and i heart the jewelry, will check out your friend's site too!

Jessica said...

pooma is cute! your birds nest ring is gorgeous, im jealous! <3

Maeko said...

Those necklaces are awesome. You've got talent.

To get Pooma to stop licking her paws, drench them in bitter apple spray from a pet store. It's got an acidic taste that will keep her from licking at them. It's a small spray bottle, just go to the pet store and ask them if they have it. If not, I'm sure you can buy it online. It's not toxic to the dog, either.

Maeko. thereafterish.

Sarah Whitney said...

Oh my gosh.. are her ears dyed?? How cuteeee!

A Gluten Freestyle said...

Awesome dog!!
And that bird's nest ring is insanely gorgeous!
x said...

Hi Sharon! I LOVE the birds nest ring. So beautiful.

Thanks so much for posting to my giveaway. I'm so happy you won! Please just email me your mailing address and I'll forward the info to JennaLou. Happy weekend!

Liz said...

awwww your puppy is so cute! love the tutu :)))


FashionJazz said...

Aaaaah I luved ur post hun!! Ur puppy is sooo cute!! xx

Sharon said...

Hi there!! What a cute dog you have and love those necklaces too! Thanks for stopping by!

Mode Junkie said...

hi pooma! you´re so adorable. ;)


PinkBow said...

this is the cutest dog. and i love the ring. hope you're well!

Mari said...

So cute!! I love her in her tutu =) Your jewelry is so pretty! and your friend did a great job on the ring.


-The Girl at the Atelier's Closet

un petit lapin said...

That bird's nest ring is delightful!
Please tell me if that Coco Chanel gospel book is any good.

Jen said...

Ahhhh your dog!! So cute!!!! And I just noticed on the sidebar... your 'dog'ther? ADORABLE! hahaha and the coloured ears are so amazing.. what a fashionable puppy-- takes after her "mommy", I'm sure! :)

Anonymous said...

cute dog
i like her skirt

nice jewels
happy weekend

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Hmm, your dog licks her paws? Funny how pets have bad habits of their own!! My dog likes to nibble on his claws!! It's like he's making them sharper on purpose lol

I think I'm going to read "If you have to cry go outside" sooner or later too. I have quite a few books on my must read list right now, so this one would have to wait till I finish the rest on the list lol

Anonymous said...

Your dog is very cute!

o said...

awww pooma!! she's just so cute!! she's as stylish as her mom:) i love the bird nest ring and the necklace that u made! so pretty!

julianne. said...

oh my god i am literallly dyyyying over this pup.
her outfit is just so chihc,and i love the purple tips! HA!
my gemmma looks so much like this, i love it.
i love precious pups!
oh pooma i love it! <3

Joie de Viv said...

Gosh Pooma is sooo adorable! Sorry I've been so delayed in replying to you! It's been so crazy this month (esp with vet visits every other day).

Chloe is doing well spirit-wise. She's actually more blind post-op than pre-op and all the dr.s think she won't get any more vision back :( And Yes, she is ALWAYS dressed up in a shirt or sweater (since she was a baby). I actually had my own line of doggie clothes I was selling on ebay and to boutiques when I was in fashion school. Sadly, that took too much time once I had a real job. She's about 5.1 lbs now. And usually an XS but nowadays some of the doggie clothes are sooo teeny tiny it's hard to say.

Oh and I love how you tweaked your dress in that previous post! genius!

Ooh! I love that dress and what a steal! I like it both ways, but backwards looks more comfy and casual, and forwards looks a little dressier!

xx Vivian @

Vera said...

aw!! your dog is so adorable :) hehe.
i love this post. very lovely

Allie said...

Gimme the puppy and the ring!

ellinelle said...

..awww , your doggy is so cute ..I like the little cote necklace you made , it's so sweet ..also the ring is beautiful , very original ..
about uggs : ) in Havaii , well , I guess that's the phenomen of uggs , they are worn all around the world ..
I wondering how it is to live in such a beautiful place !we are thinking about our next holiday and one of destinations are Havaii ..I hope it will be : )))

ellinelle said...


you look great on your latest post , both versions look just perfect on you just too cute : )))

Couture said...

I really like the bird nest ring!

Josie said...

Both of those books are on my list of things to read ASAP... And I'm loving that bird's nest ring!
xxoo Josie

Anonymous said...

OMG....Pooma's outfit...HOT!!!